“How many times have your employees — or even potential employees — expressed concerns about the cost of the health insurance that your small business provides. It’s an employee concern that most small business owners dread discussing because providing comprehensive health care can be a substantial cost burden. There are small business owners who can afford to provide a competitive benefits package in the short-term, but many are not aware that their rates can increase in the long-term as the result of employee illnesses that require substantial medical care and cost.
Going It Alone
Often times, small businesses implement a health insurance plan one year, only to see their costs skyrocket in subsequent years due to the health experience of their small employee base. If there have been health conditions that resulted in significant costs, insurance rates for the small group plan rise, and a once competitive plan becomes a cost burden to the company. When a small or medium-sized business obtains its own health care coverage and is faced with a significant rate increase due to the performance or cost burden generated by the small pool of employees, difficult choices emerge:
• Eliminate or reduce coverage
• Increase the employer contribution to the premium
• Increase employee premiums
Partnerships Can Help
To help protect themselves from these types of increases, many small businesses choose to partner with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). PEOs operate under a co-employment model which is based on a commitment by the PEO to share employment-related risk with clients, thereby helping to reduce financial exposure…”